But anyway, I've been blogging for 2 years! That seems so crazy to me! I can't quite believe it's been that long.
I sure have come a long way in those two years, though. Dearie me, I was but -- years old when I started it, and that wasn't my best, least awkward age! My writing most certainly was not the best. To be sure, I couldn't exactly say it's improved sometimes, but other times I would certainly hope it has.
I wrote a whole lot of P&P posts in those days. Of course, I still do, but those were the times when I was figuring out what I wanted my blog to be about, and I discovered blogs like The P&P 95 Forever Club, Wonderland Creek, Sunshiny Corner, and others like those and I thought, "I love Pride and Prejudice, I can write posts like that!"
My most viewed post and the first post people really commented on was my Pride and Prejudice "My Face When" post. (I was so proud of it at the time, but I read it again recently and goodness me, a great deal of it is quite cringy and very "wow I wrote that a while ago":) And once I saw how popular that was, Pride and Prejudice my blog became.
I remember finally figuring out that I should have a header (dear readers, one of the most marked improvements of my blog has got to be the design. It started out simply dreadful and tacky. I declare with certainty that once I had a header, my popularity went up, and that it was an influential factor.)
This was the first real header I put on my blog (I had a simply dreadful one for about a day. I shall not include it. May anyone who saw it and remembers it please forget it, thank you.)
Anyway, I put this header up and that's when my blog became more credible, I think.
Anyway, I experimented with various types of posts, eventually figuring out what people liked and didn't.
One of the most important things I learned? Comment on other people's blogs. That's how I've made all my blogging friends--comments. Which is quite obvious, really. How else are people supposed to get to know you, and the other way 'round, if you don't communicate in some way? And in the blogging world, commenting is most obvious.
So I started commenting on the blogs I found. I think, if I remember right, I found Naomi's blog through the P&P '95 Forever Club, and Miss March's blog from hers, all through comments. And then eventually I got the courage up to comment on these people's blogs; I believe beginning with Naomi's. And from there, I've made so many lovely friends and discovered so many lovely blogs!
Looking at my posts, I'm becoming fairly certain I started commenting on people's blogs around March of 2016, for that's when people started commenting on my posts, and looking back at those comments, the friendships were just forming!
For the third time, I mention Naomi and Miss March, because they were pretty much my first blogging friends. You two made me feel so special and gave me such encouragement to see that there were people out there like me! Thank you both so much!
A few others who gave me encouraging comments towards the beginning include Melody, Olivia, Miss Evie, Cordy, Anna, and Abby. Huge thank you to you all!!!
A few more have been around for a while, Esther, Molly Rebekah, Rachel, and Miss Elizabeth--thanks to all of you for your support and friendship!
A huge thank you to all of you who have commented on my blog, so I can get to know you and your blog better! You all are the best.
And also a general huge thank you to all of you who have supported me in different ways through the last couple of years! And not only those who have been reading my blog for a while, but also those who have joined me recently! Thank you, thank you, to you all!
In fact, another special thank you to those who have only joined my blog in the past few months. My dears, don't be feeling left out or unappreciated by any means! In fact, if anything, feel glad you didn't have to see my bad writing first, haha. I'm so happy to know you all, and your support means every bit as much to me! Your comments make my day! I'm so happy to have met so many of you kindred spirits! I would try to list you all, but I would be terrified of leaving someone out, because the numbers grow and it's not so easy to list everyone as it used tobe. But thank you to everyone else who I haven't mentioned! I'm so glad I've met you and thanks for your support and friendship here!
I'm so glad I decided to start a blog two years ago! It's brought me such happiness and fun in my life, and I've found so many people like me! Thanks to you all for being here!